Updated: November 2023

At Protential Group our clear safety message is “Be Safe to work, at work and home from work”. Our commitment is that, after each day at work all employees and stakeholders associated with our company will arrive home healthy and safe, this also extends to Wellbeing and Mental Health.

This commitment is Director led and is promoted by all management and staff. It is also underpinned by our company Safety Statement which clearly sets out the Health and Safety measures we implement. This, along with our day-to-day practices in function of protecting our Staff, Field Staff and Subcontractors demonstrates our ongoing commitment to health and safety awareness. 

Health and Safety Objectives

  • Prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health.
  • Manage health and safety risks in our workplace.
  • Provide clear instructions, information, and adequate training to ensure employees are competent to carry out their work.
  • Ensure that all field staff have the required qualifications and certificates to carry out their work and that they complete the client end user inductions and health and safety courses.
  • Provide personal protective equipment where appropriate.
  • Consult with employees on matters affecting their health and safety.
  • Maintain safe and healthy working conditions.
  • Implement emergency procedures, including evacuation in case of fire or other significant incidents.
  • Review and revise this policy regularly.

Responsibilities for Health and Safety

  1. Overall and Final Responsibility – Martin Frayne (Director).
  2. Day-to-day responsibility for ensuring this policy is put into practice – Audrey Grace Construction Manager, Linda Ennis HR.
  3. To ensure health and safety standards are maintained/improved, the following people have responsibility in the following areas.
    • Martin Frayne – safety, risk assessment, consulting employees, accidents, and work- related ill health.
    • Audrey Grace – Qualifications, Certificates, Inductions.
    • Linda Ennis – Employee Health and Safety HR Files, Qualifications and Certificates Training in date checks and action.

All Employees should:

  • Cooperate with supervisors and managers on health and safety matters.
  • Take responsibility for reasonable care of their own health and safety.
  • Report all health and safety concerns to an appropriate person as detailed above. 

Arrangements for health and safety

Risk Assessment

  • We will complete relevant risk assessments and act.
  • We will review risk assessments when working habits or conditions change.


  • We will provide our staff with health and safety training as appropriate.
  • We will ensure that all our field staff have the required Qualifications and Certificates to carry out their work.
  • We will make sure suitable arrangements are in place for employees who work remotely.


  • We will consult with staff routinely on health and safety matters when they arise and formally when we review health and safety.